Maureen Janson

 Maureen's photos have recently been featured in a gallery show at Olbrich Gardens, in the Mitchell Theatre lobby of the UW-Madison, and as part of the book, Getting Started in Ballet, published by Oxford University Press in January 2016.

Maureen's photography was also featured in

FORGE at Madison Brass Works, in the  Ballweg Gallery at the Goodman Community Center

and as a part of

AFTER THE END OF THE WORLD: memories of popular culture in the Playhouse Gallery at Overture Center, Madison WI.

©2024  Maureen Janson. All Rights Reserved.

Additional prints and photo products can be found by

 clicking here.

 Maureen will be teaching photography courses online through the Glen Arbor Arts Center in the Winter of 2020. Details can be found here and here.

Fine Art Photography
Available as prints

Click here to Request details

To see more photos, like Photography by Maureen Janson Heintz on Facebook:

Maureen now has a few select prints available for order through Fine Art America.

 Click here for details or to place an order.

Maureen was chosen for one of seven 2019 Artist Residencies by the Glen Arbor Artist Association.


Maureen's work was recently featured in the

Member's create show,

​at the Glen Arbor ARts Center

For inquiries about Maureen's Fine Art Images and purchasing prints,

please email Maureen for current

selection and pricing.